11084NAT Asbestos Awareness Training for ACT

Course Dates

The above dates are for face-to-face training at our VILLAWOOD  Training Centre where we have large classrooms and social distancing.

Courses commence at 1130am and you need to check in at 1115am please.

This course has now been updated to 11084NAT – Course in Asbestos Awareness which supersedes 10675NAT.  This is purely an administrative change of the course number and the unit of competency issued, after a review by ASQA.

The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 requires that a person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that all of their workers who they reasonably believe will work with asbestos or asbestos containing materials attend face-to-face training in 10675NAT – Course in asbestos awareness. These workers include construction workers as well as a number of other workers in occupations declared by the Minister.

This training provides the participants with the knowledge to identify and understand the dangers of asbestos, an awareness of its possible locations in the work place and the procedures followed if asbestos is detected or assumed.

Who is required to do this training?

All workers who work in the occupations listed in the Minister’s declaration of occupations, regardless of how long they have worked in the job, their level of seniority, their qualifications and regardless of whether they are licensed or an apprentice are required to complete training.

The list of occupations listed by the Minister can be found https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/3093/~/asbestos-awareness-training#!tabs-2

There are no course pre-requisite training required.

Course FormatAsbestos-Containing-Material

This is a 4 hour classroom based face to face training programme.  During this programme participants will be made aware of what asbestos is, where it could be found, what effects it can have on their long term health and what to do if asbestos is located.


All successful participants training at Guildford Centre will receive at the end of training a Statement of Attainment and a plastic card showing their name, and that they have successfully completed the required training as per qualification  “Asbestos Awareness 11084NAT”.  If we are training on site, the accreditation documentation will be forwarded to you or your employer in the next five working days after the course completion.

The new unit of competency issued under qualification 11084NAT is NAT11084001 – Identify and report asbestos containing material 

We are accredited to provide this training in all states of Australia.  So if you need this training, and you are not in Sydney, no worries, please call and we will quote to come to you.


The programme is delivered and assessed in English.  Participants are required to understand both written and spoken English to a basic level to complete this course. If you are unable to read and write in the English language the professional services of an accredited translator are required (cost at participants expense).  If you attend the training and trainer assesses that you are unable to understand the training as presented, due to a lack of competence in English, then you will be asked to return on another date with an interpreter.  

Course Prereading

Download the prereading info here please. ACT Manual

Cost of Training

The cost for this training is $220 GST FREE per person on public programmed courses at Villawood Training Centre.

Groups consist of 10 – 15 people.

Group of up to ten at our facility is $1500 GST FREE + $150 GST FREE pp from eleven to fifteen.

Groups of up to ten at your facility in Sydney is $1800 GST FREE + $180 GST FREE pp from eleven to fifteen.

Groups of up to ten at your facility outside of Sydney are the above cost + travel to from site at $85 + GST per hour and accommodation.  (airfares at cost if required + hire car).

This training can earn participants Continuing Professional Development points (CPD).  For more details click here