Safety Services

Other Safety ServicesUse of Breathing Apparatus

Employees are exposed to Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SCBA and introduced to other forms of breathing apparatus. This half day program covers:

Atmospheric Hazards & Gas Detection

Employees are trained in the use of the standard 4 gas monitor. This half day program covers:

  • Atmospheric hazards
  • Hazards associated with toxic gases, combustible gases and oxygen
  • Criteria used to assess hazards and gas levels
  • Use of gas detection equipment will include:
  1. Basic operation of equipment
  2. Activation (on/off)
  3. Zeroing and spanning
  4. Calibration
  5. Clearing data ie PEAKS, STEL & TWA
  6. Recalling data ie PEAKS, STEL & TWA        Please click here for more course information 

Confined Space Risk Assessments

We provide a Confined Space Risk Assessment service where we come on site and complete all your confined space risk assessments for you. They are then created both in hard and digital copy for insertion in your company’s records.    Please click here for more information 

Inspection and Servicing of Safety Equipment

We can inspect & tag all your safety equipment including breathing apparatus, harnesses, tripods, vertical entry devices and gas monitors. After the inspection you will be provided with a spreadsheet detailing all items inspected, location, comments and next inspection date. In fact we can create if required an Equipment Inspection Log for each area where Safety Equipment is kept.  Please click here for more information