What does competency based training mean?

Competency-based assessment is commonly linked to competency-based training and forms the basis of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in Australia

Assessment under a competency based approach, is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on the nature and extent of progress towards the performance requirements set out in a standard (VEETAC cited in ACTRAC 1994, p.1).

Assessment is based on the actual skills and knowledge a person can demonstrate in the workplace. Where competency standards for an industry/occupation do not exist, performance can be assessed against a set of criteria such as award classifications, standard operating procedures and performance agreements (NSDC Commonwealth of Australia 1995). In a competency-based assessment system, competencies possessed by a person are recognized no matter how or where they were acquired (Community Services and Health Training Australia 1999)

What is a competency?

The broad concept of industry competency concerns the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to effective participation in an industry, industry sector or enterprise.

Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves performing individual tasks; managing a range of different tasks; responding to contingencies or breakdowns; and, dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others. Workplace competency requires the ability to apply relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes consistently over time and in the required workplace situations and environments. In line with this concept of competency Training Packages focus on what is expected of a competent individual in the workplace as an outcome of learning, rather than focusing on the learning process itself.

Competencies issued on successful completion of Sydney Safety Training courses issued via RTO Safety Training, a company in the Safety Training Group may include:

Confined Space Training can include the following competencies depending on course duration

RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk

MSMPER300 Issue work permits

MSMPER202 Observe permit work

MSMPER200 Work in accordance with an issued permit

RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces

CPPFES2005 Demonstrate first attack fire fighting equipment

MSMWHS216 Operate breathing apparatus

MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres

PUASAR025 Undertake confined space rescue

HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Safe Work at Heights Training

RIIOHS204E Work Safely at Heights

CPCCCCM2010B Work safely at height

CPCCWHS2001 Apply OHS in the construction industry

When we issue the above competencies, we are responsible to ensure that our training is of the highest quality, and your staff are therefore properly trained. If you are not satisfied there is a formal complaint system.

Student Information

As a student in Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector, you should expect high-quality training in your area of interest, leading to a qualification that improves your prospects of gaining the job you want or provides a pathway to further study.


As national regulator for the VET sector, ASQA can investigate certain types of complaints about registered training organizations (RTOs) when these expectations are not met.

If you are not satisfied with the quality of service or training being provided by an RTO, you can lodge a complaint with us and, if the RTO is within ASQA’s jurisdiction, we will consider it. If the RTO is not within ASQA’s jurisdiction, you will be directed to the relevant state regulator.

ASQA is authorized to deal with complaints about:

  • the information provided to you by an RTO about course(s)
  • the delivery and assessment of the training you have received
  • the qualifications you have or have not been issued