Confined Space Training Course Options
Confined Space ENTER & WORK – 1 Day course
This is a person required to perform work tasks in a confined space. This person is not required to act as a confined space standby (Observer) or a confined space rescuer. They are simply workers who are required to work under direct supervision in the space.
The course runs everyone through the process of hazard analysis for a confined space entry. They understand the process of completing a confined space risk assessment, and the need to have a detailed rescue plan in that risk assessment. They are instructed on the regulatory requirement for a confined space permit, and what their responsibilities are when they work under permit conditions under the WHS Act. They also realise that the confined space permit must have all hazards, controls & PPE included on it, gas test recording, an entry exit log (and the need for workers to log into and out of the space) and the detailed rescue plan that all should be familiar with. They should understand all the potential hazards that might be present in confined spaces, what controls should be in place to mitigate those hazards. At the end of the day this person knows what should be in place for them to enter a confined spaces safely, and when they are not to not enter that space until the appropriate controls are in place. Practical – They are required to set up, gas test, use permit, and have people enter and exit a confined space, in our case using both a tripod and a davit and winch.
Units of competency received are:
MSMWHS201 Conduct hazard analysis
RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control
PUAFIR210 Prevent injury
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces
MSMPER205 Enter confined space
MSMPER200 Work in accordance with an issued permit
Click here for one day confined space course details
Confined Space / Gas test / Permit issuer – 2 Day course
The second day extends the workers knowledge, with more detailed instruction on the use of the gas monitor (standalone unit of competency issued), they understand the processes/responsibilities regarding issuing a permit, and they move down the rescue path, by completing CPR and also know how to use a fire extinguisher. Practical – again their gas testing skills are advanced, but the confined space entry using the gas monitor to assess atmosphere is extended to a person having a confined space incident where rescue is required. The incident is a NON TOXIC incident, and therefore the rescuer enters the space to stabilize the victim, and then if appropriate use a spreader bar and the victim is recovered from the space. So they enact the rescue plan which has been detailed in their permit. They have complied with permit conditions, as the space is not life threatening, and a rescue can occur by the confined space team. They complete basic rescue training.
Units of competency received are:
MSMWHS201 Conduct hazard analysis
RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control
PUAFIR210 Prevent injury
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces
MSMPER205 Enter confined space
MSMPER200 Work in accordance with an issued permit
MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres
MSMPER300 Issue work permit
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Click here for confined space two day course details
Confined Space STANDBY/RESCUER – 3 Day course
After completing days one and two, these students are then provided with training in the use of breathing apparatus, and further drilled on being a Permit Observer. In other words re-enforcing that the standby must ensure that all permit conditions are in place and effective, that the rescue plan is in place and has been rehearsed and that workers are capable of rescuing a person/s from a confined space that now has TOXIC GAS present. Therefore the use of breathing apparatus is required to perform the rescue. Now as this is what we term “clustered learning”, which simply means that when issuing a unit of competency, it is not achieved just on day three, but has been achieved after participation in all three days of the course. That is why we do not offer day three as stand alone, unless you have completed our days one and two training previously.
Let’s be clear on the issue of the CONFINED SPACE RESCUE unit. As detailed in the two day course, personnel can rescue and will rescue, provided that the atmosphere is NON TOXIC. On day three we add the toxic atmosphere, add the breathing apparatus, and the student then performs the more complex rescue using BA. So this means this person after the three days of “clustered training” qualifies for the unit of competency UNDERTAKE CONFINED SPACE RESCUE. Day three is very popular with all our Sydney Water Contractors who are accessing on a daily basis live sewer systems that are incredibly dangerous to the life and health of the worker or organisations that have as a general rule very hazardous confined spaces.
Units of competency received are:
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in a confined space
MSMPER205 Enter confined space
MSMPER200 Work in accordance with an issued permit
MSMWHS201 Conduct hazard analysis
RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control
PUAFIR210 Prevent injury
MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres
MSMPER300 Issue work permits
HLTAID009 Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
MSMWHS216 Operate breathing apparatus
PUAFIR207 Operate breathing apparatus open circuit
PUASAR025 Undertake confined space rescue
MSMPER202 Observe permit work
Click here for confined space three day course details
Many organisations elect to do the two day course, as they generally do not have high risk confined spaces, but where they do in specific areas, they normally contract specialist in to perform tasks (ie silo entries etc). After discussion with staff, you need to review this and ensure everyone is clear on your choice of level of training, and therefore what you expect of your workers regarding confined space work on the site.
All units of competency are issued via our RTO – RTO Safety Training #40992
This training will require you to participate in physical practical exercises. Ensure you are fully aware of the risks prior to participating and understand the control measures employed.