Crystalline Silica Awareness Training Sydney NSW

Create a Safer Future – Protect You & Your Team

You and your team’s health and safety should never be a risk in the workplace. Empower your workers with the knowledge they need to stay safe from silica dust exposure. As of 1st September 2024, you’re legally mandated to provide silica training to:   

  • Any worker involved in the processing of a crystalline silica substance (CSS); or
  • Anyone at risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) due to processing.

Stay Compliant – Book Your Training Today.

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Silica Awareness Training – Programmes Your Workers Need to Complete 

Even if your workers are not undertaking high-risk processing, you must still provide appropriate information, instruction, training, or supervision to anyone who may be exposed to RCS in the workplace. The workplace health and safety law provides that employers or persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must control the risks from silica exposures.  They must ensure that all workers who may come into contact with silica dust understand the risks, the control measures, and company policy and procedures when dealing with this mineral. 

Your workers need to complete one of the following recognised approved training programmes when working in NSW:

  • TAFE NSW course – Silica awareness and safety
  • 10830NAT – Course in Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention (required when working in the ACT). Book the 10830NAT silica course in crystalline silica exposure prevention today. 
  • One of the two following units of competency when working in NSW:
  1. CPCSIL3001 – Work with products and materials containing crystalline silica; or
  2. CPCSIL4001 – Supervise and manage work with products and materials generating respirable crystalline silica

To book on the ACT Silica Awareness Course 10830NAT


10830Nat Course in Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention Outcomes

This program is a face-to-face format that is conducted in your workplace or at our Villawood Sydney training facility.  The program is a classroom presentation outlining all the requirements that should be in place to manage silica dust in the workplace.

Participants will be able to identify and apply the following knowledge within the context of their job roles for their own safety and the safety of fellow workers and bystanders:


 → Identification of crystalline silica-containing products  → The consequences, hazards and risks to health due to exposure
 → The relevant legislation, guidelines and standards  → Risk assessments and hazard prevention
 → Systems for prevention of exposure  → Hierarchy of controls
 → Exposure standards  → Safety data sheets


Silica Dust Safety Course Highlights

This workplace health and safety training course ensures participants: 

  • Are Safe Work NSW approved. 
  • Can understand silica dust and its health effects.
  • Can identify high-risk activities and workplace exposure.
  • Can implement control measures to minimise exposure.
  • Will adhere to legal responsibilities and compliance guidelines.

Make Safety Your Priority Today.

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Benefits of Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention Training

  • Ensure compliance with Australian regulations. 
  • Gain a deep understanding of silica dust hazards and control measures
  • Learn practical steps to reduce the risk of exposure in the workplace.
  • Foster a culture of safety that goes beyond the job site, creating a safer work environment for everyone.


Who Should Undertake This Safety Compliance Training

Silica has been a long-standing health hazard, causing millions of cases of disease and death since civilisation, stone masonry and mining began. The risk arises through the inhalation of dust containing crystalline silica. This training programme will assist workers in workplaces where silica is present in managing the risk to their health. The training will particularly benefit: 

  • Construction workers
  • Supervisors and site managers
  • Trade professionals in industries where silica exposure is common, including:
  • Tunnelling
  • Foundries
  • Foundries
  • Cement manufacturing
  • Power generation
  • Brick and tile manufacturing
  • Ceramics
  • Construction, including granite grinding and polishing
  • Metal polishing
  • Architectural abrasive blasting
  • Quarrying
  • Mining


Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention Course Key Details

Course Duration

This is a four-hour training programme.

Group Numbers

We can train up to 20 people in this programme at our training centre, and you can have the same number provided there is adequate comfortable seating at your site.


Sydney Safety Villawood Facilities & Mobile Training

The Sydney Safety Villawood training facility provides a room that comfortably seats up to 20 people and includes all presentation equipment.

We can also come to you with our mobile compliance training centre. We require a training room suitable for the number of people being booked.  You will need to provide a digital projector or large format screen (we can bring our own projector).

If you are booking our mobile training unit, please complete the RST T-0021 Onsite Training Checklist. 


Course Cost

Please call 0298923370 for group rates. Download a Group Booking Form.


Announcing New Training Courses 

At the moment, RTO Safety Training is working towards releasing new course training for the following: 

  • CPCSIL3001 – Work with products and materials containing crystalline silica; or
  • CPCSIL4001 – Supervise and manage work with products and materials generating respirable crystalline silica

Issued by RTO Safety Training #40992


Why Choose a Sydney Safety Silica Exposure Prevention Course

A Sydney Safety course in crystalline silica exposure prevention delivers:

  • Industry-leading expert trainers with years of hands-on experience.
  • Comprehensive training from specialists who understand the risks and the regulatory requirements.
  • A commitment to creating safer workplaces, not just compliant ones.

Contact Us To Learn More.

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Working With Silica Legislation Explained 

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) establishes several primary duties for a PCBU. Under section 19, the PCBU has a duty to ensure the workplace health and safety of various persons.  This duty is paramount. In other words, if a PCBU works with materials involving silica exposure, as reasonably practicable, no person’s health will be affected by that work.
Section 19 duties as they apply to the use of silica in the workplace include:

  • Providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment
  • Providing and maintaining safe plant and structures for working with materials containing silica
  • Ensuring safe systems of work
  • Ensuring safe use of silica-containing substances
  • Providing information, instruction, training and supervision
  • Ensuring the workplace conditions are monitored to prevent illness from carrying out work with silica.

Download your copy of the Silica Code of Practice to understand the issues and your legal obligations.


Start Building a Safer Tomorrow—Today.

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What is Silica Dust, And Why is it Dangerous?

Silica dust comprises very fine particles of crystalline silica, a mineral found in materials like sand, stone, concrete, and bricks. When cut, drilled, crushed, or disturbed, these materials can release minute dust particles, which can be inhaled into the lungs and potentially cause major health issues. 

The basic concern about quartz or RCS is that it is toxic to the human body in several ways. Principally it is fibrogenic (promoting the development of fibrous tissue) to the lung, causing silicosis (a long-term lung disease) or lung cancer.

It is the silica dust, mostly smaller than 10 μm in diameter, that is potentially damaging to lungs. This size range cannot be seen by the naked eye in ordinary lighting. That fraction of a dust cloud which penetrates to the alveolar space of the lung is referred to as the respirable fraction. The respirable fraction of a dust cloud must be measured to assess the disease risk from dust containing RCS. The size and surface area of particles are important determinants of their toxicity but are not specifically measured.

Who Should Take This Training Course?

Any NSW workers who are at risk of exposure to silica dust should take this course. 

How Long is the Training Valid?

Training does not expire, and there is presently no need to undertake a course refresher. 

Why Silica Awareness Matters

Silica has the potential to cause silicosis or lung cancer. Preventing exposure begins with raising awareness about the mineral, the risks inherent with exposure, and how to avoid and prevent exposure in the first place. 

Do Risks From Silica Still Exist in Workplaces?

The major risks previously observed in silica-exposed populations have been greatly diminished over the last five decades; however, thousands of workers are still potentially at risk from exposure. Silica remains an important risk factor for respiratory disease. Respiratory disease is a work-related disease in focus for recognition, prevention and management with Safe Work Australia.