Work Health and Safety References
Australia Wide
- National Workplace Health and Safety Act, and in particular
- The National Code Of Practice for “Managing the Risks of Falls at the Workplace. Here is the link for your copy.
New South Wales
- 2006 Guide “Safe Working At Height”
- Safe Work on Roofs Part 1 Commercial and Industrial Buildings 1993
- Safe Work on Roofs Part 2 Residential Buildings 2004
- Safe Line Systems 1995
- Safe Working at Heights 2004 (Pocket Guide)
- Use of Fall Arrest Systems (Safety Guide No.4512)
- Portable Ladders
- Working off Stepladders
- Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Manual for Builders 1997
Northern Territory
WorkSafe Codes of Practice:
- Prevention of Falls at Workplaces Part 1 – Roofing and Cladding 2000
- Prevention of Falls at Workplaces General 2000
- Bulletin – Construction Edge Protection 2000
- Bulletin – Construction Portable Ladder Safety 2000
South Australia
Codes of Practice do not exist for Working at Heights
- Working at Heights Booklet 2000
- Working on Fragile Roofing 2000
- Ladders 2000
Codes of Practice do not exist for Working at Heights
Workcover Codes of Practice:
- Code of Practice for Working At Heights in Commercial Construction 2000
- Ladder Safety 1998
WorkCover Codes of Practice:
- OHS Prevention of Falls regulations 2003
- Prevention of Falls in General Construction No. 28 of 2004
- Prevention of Falls in Housing Construction No. 29 of 2004
WorkCover Guides:
- Falls Prevention Advice and Compliance with OH&S Regulations 2003 in the Agriculture Sector
- Falls Prevention on Roofs
Western Australia
Codes of Practice:
- Prevention of Falls at Workplaces 2004
National Codes of Practice (National Occupational Health and Safety Commission)
- National Code of Practice for the Prevention of Falls from Heights in Construction Work Draft 2004. Draft 2005
- HIA National OH&S Code of Practice for the Prevention of Falls in Low Density Housing Construction Work Draft July 2005
PARTICIPANTS MUST BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH, AND MUST BE ABLE TO FILL OUT ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION. We can train people where English is an issue, but it needs to be on a specially scheduled programme and YOU WILL NEED TO provide an interpreter..