Mobile Compliance Training Centre

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Sydney Safety Training is proud to introduce to you our “Mobile Training Centre”.  We had this trailer purpose built to ensure competency of training your staff at your site.  We found on too many occasions we had to compromise our practical training activities due to the lack of safe facilities at our clients site.  So now we have no issues, compliant training at all sites.

The “Mobile Training Centre” is designed to enable us to conduct practical training for:

  1. Confined Space Entry Training
  2. Safe Working at Heights Training
  3. Asbestos Non Friable Removal Training

The “Mobile Training Centre” has the following distinctive features:

  • Fully enclosed working deck with anchor points for attachment of all staff when training
  • Circular access hatch on roof for “confined space entry” training.  Round hatch does not fall through the hole when open.
  • Ability to set a tripod up over the access hole
  • Flush mount davit base built into structure of trailer for installing davit for confined space winching training
  • The safety railing has a sliding gate on one side, to allow students to conduct over-the-side descents for heights training using the davit system
  • Along either side of the “Mobile Training Centre” are anchor points for students to attach to during heights training.
  • One side of the “Mobile Training Centre” is a fixed SS Static Line, again for use in heights training
  • Ladder climbing, twin tail use and pole strap use are conducted on the access ladder to the top deck
  • Trailer is extremely stable, with stabilizers in each corner, and for heights training “outriggers” for over-the-side descents
  • Heights rescue training is conducted over-the-side.
  • Non friable asbestos removal is conducted using “cement sheet” affixed to an internal frame work inside the “Mobile Training Centre”.
  • A portable ladder bracket is located on the rear of the “Mobile Training Centre” to provide skill training in setting up and climbing portable ladders during heights training.
  • We can divide the internal area of the “Mobile Training Centre” to create more “lifelike” training scenarios for confined space rescue training.
  • We also have a side hatch, so we can train your staff in horizontal entry techniques.
The Trailer Requirements

The trailer is:

  • 6m long from tow hitch to rear doors
  • 2m wide
  • 2.5m high to the deck

We need a flat concrete area when using the “Mobile Training Centre” for training with relatively easy vehicular access.  We will set up an exclusion zone around the unit, just like a normal work area for training.








