Asbestos Removal Documentation Resources

Please find links to asbestos removal documentation that may assist you in meeting your WHS & SafeWork obligations.  Remember these are a guide only, and we do not guarantee they will meet compliance as are, they need to be updated for the work you are doing.  But at least you do not need to recreate the wheel, just improve it.


Non Friable Asbestos Removal

Example of SWMS for non friable asbestos  3-swms-non-friable-removal-guildfort-trg-centre

The work process you should follow sample-non-friable-asbestos-work-process


Friable Asbestos Removal

Example of SWMS for friable asbestos  3-friable-training-swms

The work process you should follow sample-friable-asbestos-work-process